It is an issue for some time now. But you are ready to address it. You know, all you need to do is to stop this.
To stop gambling. Look your problem in the eye, and cope with it. A stupid activity for stupid people.
Do not waist money and lifetime playing games, and make other people rich. This is you, face it!
But now you are going to change this. Take it as a game. A good game! A game you win.
Stop gambling! Free yourself!
The duration of this file is 41:55 min. It includes soft backround music, sound effects and brainwaves.
You have decided to quit smoking. You decided to become a nonsmoker. Listen to this file, start your new life as a nonsmoker, and never smoke again.
We all have our own ways of processing events that occur in our live.You chose to be a positive influence in the life of everyone you meet. A positive influence to yourself . Think positive, become successful.